On Friday, September 27, 2002 3:43 PM, Ted Harding wrote:
All those error messages seem to refer to seeking files/directories hanging off the root directory ("/").
They should be going into /usr/local/wp8, or similar, I think. On my machine:
ls /usr/local/wp8 shbin10 wpbin wpgraphics wplib shlib10 wpexpdocs wplearn wpmacros
(these are all directories). However, I can't now remember whether, when I installed wp8 (years ago) I chose /usr/local/wp8 or whether it was chosen for me ... !! Your account suggests you unpacked them under /opt/wp80, which also seems a feasible place. Was there an option, during the install process, when the installer asked you to stated where you had unpacked them? Or should you 'cd' into /opt/wp80 before you continue?
Thanks for sharing your experience Ted. Yes, the install program does ask you where you wish to install the files (but doesn't suggest a default). I just typed in "/opt/wp80" as it seemed a reasonable location.
I have now (I think) managed to successfully install WordPerfect. If I look in "/opt/wp80" I can (like yourself) now see:
wilderbeast:/opt/wp80# ls shbin10 shlib10 wpbin wpexpdocs wpgraphics wplearn wplib wpmacros
and if I go into the wpbin directory I see:
wilderbeast:/opt/wp80# cd wpbin wilderbeast:/opt/wp80/wpbin# ls README README.demo README.install README.wpmagic xwp README.address README.errata README.lic README.wpsahelp xwpsahlp README.copy README.icon README.support wpmerge
However if I then try and start WordPerfect it refuses to start saying it cannot find "libXt.so.6":
wilderbeast:/opt/wp80/wpbin# ./xwp ./xwp: can't load library 'libXt.so.6'
Even though if I go into "/usr/X11R6/lib" I can see "libXt.so.6" is installed (I am running Debian 3.0) so I am a bit confused.