https://www.spamcop.net/ Create an account (free). Login. You're taken to a report spam page, but at the top it says
Forward your spam to: submit.SOMEUNIQUENUMBER@spam.spamcop.net. That's your unique reporting address.
I then select all the spams I want to report, forward as an attachment to that address. A short while later, spamcop then sends you one email for each spam. In each email is a report link. Click on the link and it displays who it thinks the sender was, who their ISP is, and relevant ISP if they're advertising a product and other detected IP addresses or ISPs. It preselects who it thinks you should report to, but you can override it if you want. You can add extra info (a description) if you want. If some of your email comes through a trusted relay, make sure you don't report that relay!
As you have to do a page for each spam it can take a while so I tend to use if for the most annoying or offensive spam.
If you're happy, "report" it. Occasionally you may get a message back from an ISP acknowledging the the spam report. Spamcop also run a RBL generated as a result of these spam reports. I believe they're trustworthy, but I don't use their RBL.
HTH Steve
Would that work for personal accounts too? Likewise Spamassassin? (Not asking for myself by the way as Thunderbird and gmx are a bit over enthusiastic about barring spam sometimes... Yes I have checked the settings.)