Hullo there, A colleague of mine is having problems using rsync to the server I run that he accesses over an openvpn connection, since he made some changes at his end. I've asked him to type out the problem so I can ask on this list. He says:
<startnick> While trying to rsync using openvpn and the Vonage supplied Linksys RT31P2 router, the file transfer stalls.
This is true whether rsyncing via ssh, rsync server or nfs mounted volume. Using rsync without openvpn or without that router and all is well.
No other app seems to have the same problem though I haven't tried many but ssh seems fine for example.
Openvpn (v 1.6 I think) only uses udp packets AFAIK so shouldn't need GRE or any other sneaky protocol passthrough.
The rsync stall seems to happen after the initial preamble of authorisation and making file lists. Some directories are created but no files are sent.
Any clues most welcome.
My problem is that I want the Vonage router to be close to the main feed so that its QoS can optimise its VoIP channel.
Nick <endnick>
Thanks, Jenny