I usually read these emails on my phone, which won't allow me to reply as plain-text. Which means I tend to forget to reply later...
On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 13:54, Laurie Brown laurie@brownowl.com wrote:
Yes. I was blocked by both MS (hotmail/outlook) and Google. It was a nightmare to get exemptions from them, and DO couldn't give a flying one.
I'm not sure DO are in the wrong here - UCEProtect is, as you say, a scam; surely ignoring them is the best option? Anyone using them has essentially chosen to break their email and only UCE will benefit from pandering to them.
for Vultr, who are better anyway, IMO.
That is of course a different matter, and on paper I can see several reasons to prefer Vultr (including those already mentioned here, like BSD/ISO support). It hasn't reached the threshold required for me to move yet though.
I prefer the DO approach to bandwidth (you get an allowance per droplet and it accumulates across all of them) rather than, AIUI, the fixed 2TB you get from Vultr regardless of how much stuff you have with them? But that's not a reason to stick with DO, that's all inertia.
That said the support I've had from DO has generally been OK and responsive so the inertia is compounded by a lack of strong reasons to up sticks.