On 09/05/17 16:48, Bev Nicolson wrote:
On 09/05/17 14:04, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
Oops, I misread/assumed you'd said Gnome 3 not gnome 2.
What are you managing to run gnome 2 on? I thought everyone had ditched it?
Ubuntu 14.04LTS. And I know I should really upgrade but...(plus I like Gnome 2. I'd be upset to lose it.)
Well, as long as it's still being supported you'll be OK-ish. Don't make the same mistake I did and let it go out-of-support before updating - that took a while to fix!
The googling I've done suggests swopping to metacity then back again afterwards but I'm unsure how one does that.
Er, to do what? Give you back the ability to remove stuff?
This may show you how to switch to metacity https://askubuntu.com/questions/154112/how-do-i-disable-compiz-and-enable-me...
|metacity --display=:0 --replace ) |
but switching back depends on knowing what you're currently running - presumably compiz? To be honest I'm not sure what it would achieve, and you run the risk of having a non-functioning GUI!
Bev. (bronze age computing?)
Me too, but my bronze age computing is in the age of the hardware I run.
Not trying tell you what to do, but I have started using Lubuntu on my laptop, and migrated my server from Ubuntu to XUbuntu. The migrating was a bit hard due to my distro going out-of-support, but I managed it. With a bit of tweaking (removing the fancy task-manager-bar at the bottom of the screen, and replacing it with a dumber one) it's fine. Quite Gnome 2 like. And best of all, it's bang up-to-date. Actually, some of the gnome apps look a bit funny as they're designed to work on Gnome 3.
On my laptop, I have Lubuntu. I like it more than XUbuntu, but don't run it on my server because it doesn't have as much support nor LTS releases. Agian some gnome apps look wierd.
I've heard good things about Mint too.
Eventually, you're probably going to have to update, so it may be worth trying things out before you're forced to change.