On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 07:57:08PM +0000, Brett Parker wrote:
Anything outside of /var/www gets symlinks.. Bottom line, your system, your choice ;-)
Exactly, but I'm trying to come up with a strategy that isn't just a confused mess.
So, use: /srv/websites/tld/domain/subdomain eg: /srv/websites/uk/co/sommitrealweird/www or: /srv/websites/uk/co/www.sommitrealweird.co.uk
Just decide on a layout and have done with it. (Personally, I have lots of sites all over the place, on this particular box I have a django server that is fronted by apache's mod_proxy, but the django instance is running using fastcgi fronted by lighttpd, the data is in /home/brettp/django/alug, which then has code in the alug subdirectory, images/other media in alug-media and templates for use in the code in alug-templates. My main website is hosted on another box, where it is sitting in my home directory as a directory called srw_html, I have symlinked public_html to that as I class it as the main site and where I'm most likely to want to put things on that box).
Yes, OK, I think it's just that most other things are rather better defined and you don't end up with such a mess of symlinks and such.
I guess I'll just carry on muddling by (and backing up /var as I do already).