Anyone care to submit details for this? (see below) Maybe we could get _REALLY_ organised and plan our next 4 meetings this weekend ;-)
I propose:
Name: Anglian Linux User Group Town: n/a Date and Location of next 4 meets: tbc Activities: ? Contact person: ? Contact email:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.Savory at All views are my own - who else would want them? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 17:00:05 +0100 From: Nick Merritt Newsgroups: uk.comp.os.linux Subject: ***ARE YOU IN A LINUX USER GROUP?
I'm launching a linux magazine in the UK this October and I'd like to include a round-up of all the UK linux user groups and fan clubs. If you run a group, or are a member of one, could you email me your details, including the following information:
Name of group, town, date & location of next four meets, activities (in no more than 50 words), contact person, contact email.
If you are doing anything particularly interesting, feel free to take some space and tell us about it - it'd be great if this directory could become a clearing house for as many of the UK groups as possible.
It won't cost you anything, so please email me at
Nick Merritt Editor, Linux Answers
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