David Simon Cooper david.cooper@uea.ac.uk wrote: <snippity />
I have considered the security implications. To make things safer with the Free Edition I could just put an icon on their desktop and ask them to run the user mode app whenever they want me to connect, this would mean the server is only running when they want stuff fixed, they could close it when stuff is done, very safe. I would of course have the "ask for permission" option enabled on VNC for security reasons.
Do you folks have any views on this?
Right - does what you're doing need to be visible to the customer? If you're just fixing things, it may be better to use rdesktop to connect to Win XPs terminal services. It tends to be a little quicker than VNC, and, from what I can remember it is encrypted. So, a small bit of Free Software (http://www.rdesktop.org/) for the client on the Linux box, and then just enabling Terminal Services on the server box.
Cheers, - -- Brett Parker web: http://www.sommitrealweird.co.uk/ email: iDunno@sommitrealweird.co.uk