On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 07:24:54PM +0100, Ian bell wrote:
Brett Parker wrote:
On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 03:08:39PM +0100, Ian bell wrote:
Er, one kernel, one set of packages, all dependencies sorted.
Err, other than more than one potential version of the kernel... and the kernel being changed mostly for the sake of new hardware support... how is that different from just using the standard debian repositories?
Now, there's an interesting angle, what in particular are you talking about security wise? If it's software, then, err, well, dude... I don't know if you'd noticed, but debian has a rather nice security repository for stable and now testing, there are also DSAs which also generally cover unstable - this is the same source as used in the *BSD distributions on a whole. So I can only assume that you've fell for the marketing that OpenBSD has for its *base* system, which claims to be secure - you know how the default install is so secure? (1) nothing is enabled and (2) nothing is damned well installed.
So, if it's purely the kernel you're talking about, then one of the debian BSD projects may be right up your alley... personally, I quite like having a kernel that can actually cope with my hardware.