On 27/03/12 13:34, steve-ALUG@hst.me.uk wrote:
On 27/03/12 12:30, Chris Walker wrote:
It plays 'Classic Rock' ok but tells me 'Your GStreamer installation is missing a plugin' when trying the Radio 4 link Chris G posted earlier.
But I'm stumped when it comes to deciding *which* plugin I need. I've just installed a load of them in the hope that it would solve the problem but it didn't.
It works for me playing http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r4.asx
Perhaps you could try the stream in another radio player, e.g. rhythmbox, and maybe that would say which plugin was missing?
That link plays in VLC but won't play i.e. I don't get any errors but likewise, I don't hear any output from SMPlayer. But, if I 'Open a URL' in SMPLayer and paste in the full link, it *does* play. That seems to suggest that the gstreamer thing is a red herring.
You may find this repository http://packages.medibuntu.org useful for plugins.
I'm running Mandriva 2011.0 64 bit in case that changes things.
And for finding radio feeds, http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk is very useful.
I've looked there and added a few others. Having done so and tried again, this feed (a .asx feed) http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/classicrock.asx plays but still the same error when trying any of the BBC feeds.
Is there a log file anywhere that might give me a clue as to what's wrong?