Syd Hancock wrote:
Next Norwich evening meet on the second thursday of the month i.e. 14th August at 8.00pm in the Forum coffee bar.
Well, it happened! Brett, GT, Noodles, BJ, Kirsty, MJR, Shadowtlx, Ian Bell and ADAM all turned up and we grabbed a number of tables, scattered leaflets upon them, opened and closed laptops and palmtops and talked about quite a few things over the next couple of hours.
We were short of the old name badges and a penguin, unlike last month's pair of penguins. I'll print some badges for Sunday if Keith has a PS, PDF or similar file available. I'm about to search archives for it, but a URL would always help.
Things I remember happening/talking about: * Shadowtlx said that "su -s /bin/sh" didn't work for him with his mangled Linux-on-RiscOS (is that accurate?) installation, so we outlined how to do init=/bin/sh, then fsck /, mount -o remount,rw / and vi /etc/passwd to try to rescue it. Maybe we'll hear whether it worked... * A bit of the old MySQL vs PostgreSQL argument. I was saved this last week by being able to make a view in PGSQL. A buggy library that I didn't want to hack on just now wasn't checking for an "enabled" setting, so I made it look at a view instead. A view is something that looks like a table, but is formed by a query, more or less. CREATE VIEW newview AS SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE enabled = 't' * Still on databases, KNoda as a possible GUI for MySQL. * Bahjee, tofu and curry. * Roundabouts, turbochargers and fuel economy. * Brett actually got more than one pint before the beer ran out.
What do other people remember?
See you next on Sunday (or Saturday at the Debian BBQ).