On 28/12/2007, Dan Hatton vi5u0-alug@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
I have an Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 soundcard. In kernel, it works just fine, with the OSS sound_ich driver. However, by kernel, this has been obsoleted in favour of the ALSA snd_intel8x0 driver, and I can't get a peep out of the soundcard - for example, when I issue the command
aplay: main:546: audio open error: No such file or directory cat: /proc/asound/modules: No such file or directory
This will exist if ALSA is loaded. Perhaps you've not loaded all the modules. Make sure that snd module is loaded and all the other snd modules are loaded too.
Can you give us an lsmod listing?
Incidentally, all this is the same regardless of whether snd_intel8x0 is compiled directly into the kernel or as a module.
snd_hda_intel seems to be the driver for some of the Intel ICH cards, so maybe you could try that driver too?