On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 01:34:28PM +0000, Nick Heppleston wrote:
So, does anyone here have any experience of filtering out certain packages, for example: kernel*, apache* etc.. So that upgrades to the kernel and apache are not applied, while all other upgrades are. I'm presuming its some configuration option somewhere in /etc/apt...
You will need to change the status of those packages to "hold"
You could do this through your package manager of choice (probably either aptitude or dselect) although aptitude doesn't seem to make held packages status "stick" globally. The other method would be to do something like
echo "apache hold" | dpkg --set-selections
(replacing the name apache with whichever package name you want to put on hold, on my system I have apache apache-common and apache-doc installed)
to change the status back you would do
echo "apache install" | dpkg --set-selections
you may also find dpkg --set-selections to be helpful and dpkg -l or alternatively you could read man dpkg and dpkg --help for more info.