Hi folks,
So, there we have it - not a great deal of enthusiasm for Suse! Perhaps I should have gone for the Ubuntu 'free' distro! I must say that the 'desktop' is nice, but I can't get to grips with 'home.' From 'my computer' 'home shows a set of files, but from the task bar 'home' brings up a different menu with the same files plus my personal folder. Having copied some image files into a folder, Konqueror shows a set of 'thumbs' of which some are images and some are icons. having set up associations so that clicking a thumb in Konq opens and loads the image into Gimp works with first image selected, but to load the second, Gimp has to be closed and re-opened by clicking second image. Then there are images that bring up error messages that the resolution is not supported! What's that all about? And when Gimp fires up, only one of the two tool panels load. Gimp, excellent as it is as 'free' image editor would not make me give up Photoshop, and Scribus I can't install so I don't know if I can live without QuarkXPress. Obviously I have a lot to learn, the migration from 'doze is not easy - perhaps the creators of O/S like Suse et al should make the transition from one to 'tother easier, and let users install goodies on a simple 'install' file. TMP folder; should this be treat like a 'doze 'temp' folder and cleaned out on occasions?