It might be that you can alleviate your problem by simply replacing "nv" with "nvidia" in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
A friend of mine had a related problem (see quote below):
"I did fix the initial problem: edit /etc/X11/XF86Config, replace "nv" with "nvidia" - yast puts in wrong driver. This worked, 3D included, but at 1024x768 max. Got monitor settings back from 8.2 config and put them in and all was well....
...until I used YOU again to collect all suggested security patches. It won't boot at all now - in normal startup it hangs just before the X server should start, in failsafe mode it hangs just after fsck runs (if needed). There was a kernel patch in the list so I would suspect this went wrong. I'm not sure if the message you relay has the first problem, the second or different again."
On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 14:50, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
Is anybody having problems with the latest kernel release and the Nvidia closed drivers ?
Ever since using Online update to upgrade to kernel 2.6.5-7.145 X refuses to start with either Nvidia driver versions 6111 or the current 6629.
I have rerun the installer to recompile the drivers after the kernel upgrade, that bit completes with no errors but then I get the error that it's unable to load the Nvidia kernel module when starting X
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