Hi all,
It's been a while since a pubmeet had a write-up but I thought it was worth a go :)
On a suggestion from rlp10, last night ended up being somewhat of a PGP key-signing party. All of us around the table (there were 6 of us) - plus one passer-by that I happened to know - had PGP (or rather GPG) keys so, over the course of the night, we managed to each sign eachothers keys. There was even provision of ID and encrypted emails sent to verify identity and key ownership. A fairly textbook key-signing I'd say.
Additionally, we collectively managed to get a sensible mutt config together for getting GPG integrated and working.
For reference, the magical invocation to make mutt understand encrypted/signed mail from Macs and Thunderbird is: message-hook '!(~g|~G)~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"' "exec check-traditional-pgp"
Stick that in your .muttrc and it all works nicely. (You need a `source /path/to/muttrc.gpg`) line in there somewhere too. The path varies by distro.)
Aside from the PGP-related fun, katsmeat had brought an interesting old PC that had a built-in LCD display and ran Microsoft BASIC (I don't remember what the machine actually was) and I offloaded a load of old hardware onto rlp10 \o/
The food didn't seem as good as usual.
The beer did.
Until next month!
Steve (Stilvoid)