On Tuesday 26 January 2010 09:45:15 Chris G wrote:
.... I was rather trying to get away from displaying in a terminal window.
Must have a look at railender. But my guys don't see a console window, they would have zero tolerance for that. All they see is a desktop icon, which is labelled 'print calendar'. Double click it, and a little dialogue box comes up looking pretty, and asking 'you want to print?' They click the OK button in this window, and the next thing they know, they are looking at an open office word document with a list and the secretary reformats and prints from that.
I generate 365 days looking forward. Don't know exactly what you can limit the konsolekalendar output to. But I'm anyway filtering and reformating the raw output, so it would be possible to just get everything using konsolekalendar, and then select in the filtering scripts.
They find kontact quite nice to use otherwise, multiple address books, to do lists, the integration of kjots now, stickies. The format of the list was the only thing they didn't like, so it seemed worth going to a bit of trouble to fix it.
It would be nice to have a usable todo out of the box. But kontact is so convenient for them with all the parts in the left pane.