A couple of weeks ago, I promised to look for possible locations for a meet in the East of the area.
I'm afraid I have to admit that due to some rather exciting developments in my business, I've not been able to take the time to fully investigate the possibilities. In fact, I may not have the time to do much for several weeks.
I'm happy to continue to try and find the time to locate a suitable place and organise a meet. But is anyone else want to take over because of the delay, I'm also happy to stand aside.
Things should hopefully get a bit better in 3-4 weeks for me, since I'll have a few extra staff by then to take on more of the remote support. Until then I'm doing about 1000k a week and falling into bed exhausted 7 nights a week ;-(
Incidentally, if anyone on here is currently at a loose end, and is a skilled network admin who can handle a mixture of Linux and Windows networks, drop me a line. It seems that I may need someone like that soon. You'd need to be willing to travel a lot :p
Maturity, experience and the ability to work independently would count a LOT. As would some experience dealing with dificult customers :p