(Ted Harding) wrote:
Secondly, therefore, it might be better to take all incoming mail to "info" and pipe it into a ... script
You can use existing local delivery agents such as procmail (with pretty horrible syntax) or maildrop (which is what I use, but not for auto-responding) to match expressions and send replies.
Whichever way you chose to implement your autoresponder, make sure you avoid mail loops: - don't respond to bounces - don't respond to yourself (use a X-Loop header, see "man procmailex", or X-BeenThere, or "delivered-to" headers if your MTA uses them). - don't respond to mailing lists ("Precedence: list" header, or headers starting with "List-"). Remember that even though _you_ won't subscribe that address to a mailing list, someone-else might do so maliciously. - and if you want to get fancy you could worry about per-address rate-limiting.
See also for example: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=edit&file=faq03.006.htp http://www.goldmark.org/netrants/auto-resp/ http://untroubled.org/qmail-autoresponder/procedure.txt
-- Martijn