Similarly, I've put links to the commands "/usr/bin/super shutdown -r now" and "/usr/bin/super shutdown -h now" in my fvwm main menu, with an appropriate entry in /etc/ (the manpage explains how) detailing which users I think should be allowed to use "super shutdown".
On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, Paul wrote:
I use "sudo halt" on my Morphix install.. It does of course require sudo to be installed and /etc/sudoers configured correctly.
Regards, Paul.
On Saturday 08 November 2003 11:52 am, Edenyard wrote:
What is the correct way of making 'ordinary' users (i.e., not root) able to shut the PC off at the end of the session? I find that (at least, on Slackware) an ordinary user can't use '/sbin/halt' or '/sbin/shutdown' because an error message is returned, saying something along the lines of "You must be root do do that".