Adam Bower wrote:
Try adding the lines
auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp
to /etc/network/interfaces
Those lines were already there.
Looking at the output from "ps" after I plug the device in, dhclient appears to be running - maybe it's too soon?
Playing some more, what seems to be necessary (and works if I create a shell script) is sudo iwconfig eth1 essid MYSSID sudo iwconfig eth1 enc MYWEPKEY sudo dhclient eth1
I can then unplug the USB device, plug it in, run the script, and I'm away. Note that the essid and wep (hex) key are also in /etc/network/interfaces. I don't seem to need any significant delay between plugging in the dongle and running the script, and the script runs pretty much instantly, whereas when I try changing any of the wlan settings through the KDE network config it takes a long time to apply any changes (about a minute?), as if its waiting for dhclient to timeout.
MJ Ray wrote:
If it's running Udev, maybe try adding KERNEL=="eth1", RUN+="dhclient eth1" to the udev rules file.
For the time being I'm going to stop experimenting in case I break something which is "good enough" but I want to understand a bit more about how this all fits together - I'll no doubt get chance to try all this again soon....
I'm pretty sure Kubuntu 6.10 uses udev, but how do I check? Where's the rules file?
If it's hotplug, maybe try adding to /etc/hotplug/net.agent
All I have under /etc/hotplug is a logitech mouse driver, although I suspect hotplug is relevant for a removable WLAN connection like this?
If it's running ModuleInitTools [...]
How do I tell?
[I really should know more about this stuff, although I reckon I've learnt a hell of a lot in the last few days.]
Hope it works.
Me too!!