I read at http://www.tomshardware.com/howto/02q2/020531/windows_gaming-01.html: At this point, the stage was set for WineX. Instead of starting from scratch, TransGaming decided to use the code from the Wine project, and add support for DirectX. The way they do this is by mapping DirectX calls to their OpenGL equivalents. TransGaming also adds support for some propietary interfaces needed by most games that use copy-protection.
Even WineX has limitations. Since good OpenGL performance is required, TransGaming only supports Nvidia graphics hardware. This could change if other graphics card vendors improve their Linux drivers, but for now Nvidia is the only game in town.
MJR, You were saying that Matrox have libre drivers. Is the above article correct? Are Matrox cards unusable in WineX, or do they just have crud OpenGL performance so they aren't worth using?