On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 at 11:36, Simon Ransome simon@nosher.net wrote:
Not sure if this approach would work, but it's an idea:
- get or create a clean Raspberry Pi virtual machine image
- mount it in VirtualBox or similar
Will VirtualBox work with a non-x86 system? I assume QEMU would work though (slowly).
- patch it with your tarball(s)
- reboot (?)
- use the "live" package-management stuff to query it
Interesting approach, thanks.
What it did suggest to me, though, is to start with a clean install, install as many packages as I can think I might ever need (I can always return to it sometime if needed), and from that get a list of all files and the packages they came from which I can store for use offline.
But this information is presumably available without going through that process. That led me to: http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/dists/buster/ .. and Contents-armhf.gz which is a list of all package files and the packages that they come from...