Hello everyone,
Following a very interesting and pleasant Sunday afternoon meeting in Norwich (thanks Syd!) I would like to say that our little ALUG library now only has 2 books that are not out on loan: "The Root of all Evil" (User Friendly cartoons) and "Using Samba" (o' Reilly). I would like to ask those who took books to read at the last Norwich meeting in July please to consider returning them soonish so that we can keep books circulating - the problem being that they get borrowed and then sit on people's bookshelves untouched for months (we all being but human). I have a request for "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", so that book in particular would be good to have back.
I expect to be at the next Thursday meeting in Norwich (presumably the 16th of October), also at LinuxExpo on Oct 8th/9th, so anyone who has books to return who might be attending those events can email me; failing that I would ask for all the books that went out in July to be returned at, or in time for, the Syleham meeting in November. Hopefully we'll have some more books by then, thanks to kind promises of donations (I think that was Keith), so everyone can pick a new book to take home and read over Christmas! :)
Those who have borrowed O' Reilly books, please don't forget that we need to review those books in order to keep getting them. Your reviews will be very much appreciated.
Thanks, /Kirsten