From: Anthony Anson Sent: 08 August 2005 14:36
The message from "Keith Watson" contains these words:
I have 10 copies of the pukka (Live+Install CDs in a card wallet) versions of Ubuntu 5.04 in my hot and sweaty hands.
Tell me - apart from the Live CD aspect, is there much to be gained by having Ubantu and Debian? (And Knoppix, for that matter...)
Personally I think the Debian package management system is one of the best I've come across for unix based OS like GNU/Linux. The really nice thing is the way in which it sorts out any dependences (which means that you can request a nice little 25K package to be installed and find Debian telling you that it needs another 10M of dependant libraries for the software to run!, but then, probably best to know this up front).
Similarly Ubuntu and Knoppix provide nice coherent configurations of applications in one simple package. I'm particularly impressed by Ubuntu and its hardware detection script at install time. I've switched to using it as my main distro. Mainly because it makes the whole install/upgrade task a complete no-brainer.
5 are for the x86 architecture and 5 are for 64 bit (AMD64/EM64T) architectures.
Ah. Whoosh! What's the x86 architecture? And how would I know if my AMD box is 64-bit?
Well the glib answer is "if you have to ask probably you haven't got 64 bit" but I suspect that there's a more technically correct answer. Anyone care to provide it? :o)
If anyone would like a copy of either (or both) sing out and we'll arrange getting one to you.
I'm holding my fire on that until I find whether it's loadable, and if so, there's a really good reason for having it.
Have a play with the Live CD and see if you like to look and feel. Also have a look at the official Ubuntu web site ( and the unofficial ubuntu starter guide (
-- Tony
The only way to tell when a Finn is in love with you is that they look at your feet instead of their own.
Keith ____________ If you have two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a hyacinth - Persian Proverb