On 2004-07-16 10:38:49 +0100 Ian Douglas alug@k1ngph1cher.com wrote:
I have uploaded /etc/mail/sendmail.cf as: http://www.k1ngph1cher.uklinux.net/sendmail_cf.htm
The m4 file that generated the cf may be more useful.
The problem may be in /etc/mail/local-host-names and /etc/hosts. Basically, the real name of your system probably needs to be in both local-host-names and hosts, and match. It shouldn't be a real hostname out on the internet if you don't have one.
Getting this right is a bit like maki^H^H^H^H putting carpet down. There's many ways to do it, but if you get it wrong, you keep pushing one edge down only to have another spring up.