Hi all, been a while since I posted something along these lines but here goes... Last night I finally ditched a DeadRat 6.2 installation (needed cleaning up anyway) and moved to a debian potato installation (bargain from Linux Expo..... free beer as well!). Install was nice and easy except : 1)loved the way apt can just plough through your CDs and catalogue all the packages (during the install), but how do you get it to do this in normal running (I thought I had the idea but ended up breaking apt!), ie I want it to now search through the rest of my catalogue of CDs.
2)Having broken apt by replacing the file:/file/binary/for/install/disk1 line with something that doesn't work is there a quick way to get it back. Or can I just tell apt to go search my CDs again (re: 1).
3)dselect is all very well but I would prefer a nice way to group say all X Packages together. Perhaps I'm missing something.
4)Where is XConfigurator ?
I tried to be a bit clever last night but think I would have been better to play novice - quiet at the back!! ;o) and let debian do everything. Anyways, any thoughts, experiences or hints and tips to assist in making my transfer to the king of Distros as painless as possible much appreciated. Pllllllease no "RTFM"s, I am reading it but time is a pre-requisite, so if you just write and say "RTFM under apt section on blah" I'll still be grateful for the pointer. Cheers, Earl