Ricardo Campos wrote:
Unfortunately, now every time I start Gnome, it goes through this process, even though Sawfish is my WM for E!!! (This has locked the computer up too). I reinstalled E, but this didn't help. Has anyone had the same/similar problem?
E 0.16 (which I assume you're using) is rather venerable by now. Hence it does things the old way. In this case (I suspect), it changed your ~/.xsession file, effectively hardcoding your PC to boot E anytime your uid starts X. Look for .xsession.0 or .xsession.old or anything like that. Restore it. You might then want to use kdm-config or whatever to add E as a potential WM to your version of xdm.
Incidentally, another thing that occurred just after that was that my computer CAN connect to the 'net, but for some reason cannot transfer any data at all, meaning I had to reboot into windoze to get online.
This is probably unconnected. But then, one guy gets sucker punched in a completely unbelievable way every million events.