On Tuesday 08 March 2005 10:30, Brett Parker wrote:
I'm not planning on running X at all (yet) but would like to get framebuffer to work. Have tried 2.20 and 2.24, but don't really know much about "how" frame buffer works or what and why. What is strange is that noone else I know with one of these boards has registered any trouble with installing.
A 2.2.20? a 2.4.20? If it's not 2.4.x, try 2.4.x, you'll also need to load the correct framebuffer module, and add an append to the kernel params, fwicr. This is off of the top of my head, though, without looking at the docs. I'll look properly post work.
Some good news: Bus 1, device 0, function 0: VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies Unknown device (rev 3). Vendor id=1106. Device id=3122.
This identifies the graphics controller as a Via CLE266 CastleRock integrated chip set.
Some bad news: I don't think you will find a kernel frame buffer driver in even the latest 2.6 kernel.. On the other hand, the latest XFree86 *might* have some support for it.
Regards, Paul.