Hi to everyone at ALUG,
I'm a Linux user from Leiston in Suffolk. I work from home designing databases for web sites. I have a large number of Linux machines here, all of which make superb web and database servers. However, what I have never been able to get used to is trying to use Linux on my main 'office' desktop machine. This machine is used mainly for:
Browsing the web (IE5) Email (Eudora) Usenet News (Agent) Word processing (MS Word) Spreadsheets (MS Excel)
I have had many, many attempts to switch to Linux - indeed I have a fully configured Linux box sitting next to this one - but I always end up back on the Win98 machine. I have tried:
Browsing the web:
Opera - lots of bugs, the most annoying of which is that the toolbars won't stay put between sessions
Netscape - Soooo slow..
Sylpheed is the only program I have found that comes close to Eudora in functionality - and this doesn't display HTML emails (which I get heaps of from clients)
Usenet news:
PAN - not as polished as Agent but no real complaints here
Office Apps:
Star Office? - So slow even on a 500Mhz PIII that it makes windows look fast.
What do you all use for your main desktop machine? And are you productive with it? I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that while Linux is the best O/S in the world for server apps, I am far less productive on a Linux desktop machine because I am for ever hacking, updating and fixing things instead of getting on with my work!
Any thoughts?
p.s. Anyone else from around Leiston here?