Can I say first off that I'm trying to make wpa_supplicant work with DesktopBSD so apologies if some of you feel I shouldn't be asking for help here.
I have an old IBM Thinkpad and having tried various brands of Linux, DesktopBSD was the only OS that installed correcly. I then wanted to make it to talk to my other machines which meant networking. It doesn't have a LAN port so I bought what I thought was a good wireless card. I was wrong. It's a Netgear WG511v2 and I've had to install it using ndisgen. I can get the thing to recognise my wireless LAN and if I run ifconfig, it reports :- ndis0: flags=8842<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 00:1b:2f:d0:69:59 media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (DS/11Mbps) status: associated ssid ss2_scanning channel 11 bssid 00:0f:3d:34:d6:f6 authmode WPA privacy OFF txpowmax 100 bmiss 7
My /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file looks like this ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant ctrl+interface_group=wheel
network={ ssid="ss2_scanning" proto=WPA key_mgmt=WPA-PSK pairwise=TKIP group=TKIP psk="c:(vo.............$-" }
So the question is, does the psk data have to be in quotes and in hex? If so, how do I translate my ascii line into hex?
I've read lots and lots of stuff online about all this and to be honest, I'm thoroughly confused.
I'd appreciate any help.