On 25/06/14 14:48, Chris Walker wrote:
Here's hoping somebody can help me with this.
I was having problems making VirtualBox work on a 64bit LXLE machine so I uninstalled the old version, grabbed the latest from Oracle and installed it. But although the old version did, the latest version is not showing up in the menu system. I've tried running the Menu Editor and although I can add it, and save it, it never appears in the menu.
So can somebody give me a clue as to where I'm going wrong with this please?
A bit of googling found this http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=32 which doesn't entirely help.
I did this though. I found something in a menu, I chose Libreoffice Math
In a terminal.
cd /usr/share/applications ls
I found something the entry I hoped corresponded to math - it did.
sudo cp libreoffice-math.desktop libreoffice-math2.desktop
sudo nano libreoffice-math2.desktop
find "Name", and change it to in my case SOMETHING -> Name=SOMETHING
SOMETHING now appears in the menu next to Libreoffice Math.
You can now right click on the SOMETHING menu item and edit it.
Alternatively, you could just paste the following into a .desktop file I've cut a lot out of the Math.desktop file. I may not have cut enough. Exec is the path to the app. For me, Math appeared in the Education menu. I'm guessing you can change that to the name of another sub-menu. Sometimes I believe you have to edit OnlyShowIn to include LXDE and/or Gnome.
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Terminal=false NoDisplay=false Icon=libreoffice-math Type=Application Categories=Office;Education;Science;Math;X-Red-Hat-Base;X-MandrivaLinux-Office-Other; Exec=leafpad MimeType=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula;application/vnd.sun.xml.math;application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template;text/mathml;application/mathml+xml; Name=SOMETHING GenericName=Formula Editor GenericName[en_GB]=Formula Editor Comment=Create and edit scientific formulas and equations by using Math. Comment[en_GB]=Create and edit scientific formulae and equations using Math. StartupNotify=true Keywords=Equation;OpenDocument Formula;Formula;odf;MathML; InitialPreference=5 OnlyShowIn=Unity;