On 31/05/13 15:23, mick wrote:
On Fri, 31 May 2013 14:19:30 +0100 Anthony Anson tony.anson@girolle.co.uk allegedly wrote:
- do you know your public IP address, and I can check?
Never knew I had one. can the Magic Curl help?
Steve's suggestion (curl) has given you your public IP address - i.e the address seen by the destination.
Which surely must be the one required?
This address will vary depending on your method of connection. At home you may have a fixed IP address from your ISP. It is more likely though that you will have a dynamic address allocated from a pool by the ISP. When out and about your public address will be that allocated by the network provider at the time (and may be interfered with by varying levels of proxies).
I have what Paston calls a roving connection, just because I might connect with dongle, or a selection of wifi points as far apart as Cheshire and Hants, and which threw out the Hants connection at Christmas. May I here trumpet the praises of Paston? I got support (and a fix) on Christmas Day...
If you are having trouble with your browser based FTP client, try the command line ftp. Or install a stand-alone ftp graphical client like gFTP. Personally I think browser based ftp sucks.
Yes,wilco - butI'll have to read-up the command-line bit first. I have been using a standalone program (Filezilla) latterly - after the add-on Fire FTP went wonky.
I was tempted to fire-up the laptop <mouth="wash-out"> in XP </mouth> and use WS_FTP: that's how miffed I've been getting.