On 02 Mar 11:32, Simon Royal wrote:
I have an SD card in my EeePC and it is auto mounted at boot. I am trying to format it but it wont let me unmount it using the format or disk utilty.
I configured it using Storage Device Manager which is a front end for fstab.
Options set are: defaults,uid=1000,umask=0
Mounted it ain't going to let you format it.
You need to know the *device* associated with the SD card.
It should be something like /dev/mmcblock0 or /dev/sd<something>, there might even be partitions.
You'll just want to unmount it then mkfs.ext2 /path/to/the/partition (maybe /dev/mmcblock0p1).
To find out what device it is you can watch the backend of the kern.log when you insert the card.
Hope that helps,