On 30 Jan 17:57, Chris G wrote:
In the following snippet I was expecting the text to appear beside the image but it obstinately stays above it:-
<p>Zelma has to be back at work tomorrow so we went down to Chateauneuf and Zelma and Ben left us there to return home. Maxine and I then pottered downstream to Cheffes and back, all very scenic, with supper back at Chateauneuf.</p> <div align="left" class="figure"> <img alt="http://home.isbd.net/boat/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/DSCF2320.jpg" src="http://home.isbd.net/boat/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/DSCF2320.jpg" style="height: 50px;" /> <p class="caption">View of the moorings at Chateaneuf-sur-Sarthe</p> </div>
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be? Yes, I know there are possibly other bits around that might affect it but I can't see anything relevant. The code is generated by docutils by the way so don't complain about my style, I didn't do it!
I'm viewing in Firefox 3.5.7, has it decided that as div align="left" is deprecated it can ignore it? I've just tried IE as well, same result.
div is block level, so it'll appear under the p, which is also block level.
So, put the div containing the image *above* the paragraph, and do: style="float: left;"
That should do it.