On 03/02/16 09:56, Huge wrote:
FWIW, I use (and recommend) a Logitech Squeezebox system. It's largely Open Source and although no longer manufactured, the hardware is easily available on eBay. There are a number of Open Source players and the server is O/S and written in perl (which commends it to me, although the pythonistas will doubtless have a sharp intake of breath at this point.) Of course, it may well not do what you want, but there you go ... Regards, Hugh.
I'll have a butchers sometime soon.
I've been playing with volumio today. I had high hopes but they were quickly dashed. Web based GUI was S....o..............s.......l........o..........w. and a bit bizzare. I thought you were only supposed to have one "hamburger" menu item on a page, not one for every radio station it knows about... For a single purpose O/S, it brought my PI which happily runs mpd, a UI and gmpc very responsively, to it's knees running mpd, no UI and a webserver. :-(