Chris Green wrote:
On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 05:44:00PM +0100, Anthony Anson wrote:
Chris G wrote:
Any ideas or pointers to useful web pages would be much appreciated.
Since Xandros (installed on earlier Eees) is derived from Debian, I would have expected it to have noticed the wireless.
That's not a lot of help, I know, and without going through bundles of saved mail, I can't point you at a URL, but there's a forum on
Yes, I was a bit surprised that DebianEeePc didn't work. I had previously installed (partially) xubuntu, it filled the 2Gb disk half way through the installation but mostly worked. I was just trying to sort out the 'half installation' mess.
Another off-list E-Mail suggested eeebuntu, since I knew that ubuntu detected the WiFi OK I installed Ubuntu Server base system and then added just xfce4 to give me an X desktop and - eureka! - all is well.
I now have a working eeePc with WiFi and the disk is only 60% full.
When I get the Acer fettled to my satisfaction I shall play with my Eee - but as it only has the 4 GB HDD, I shall be listening to advice...
I have a sort-of hankering to load Tom's and have nearly all the HDD available...
The Eee doesn't seem to have the capability of booting from USB - BICBW.