On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, MJ Ray wrote:
I'm going to be in at UEA tomorrow, will do that if you like. Who do I get in touch with?
Room bookings, but I've not booked a room since they've moved. I'm told that you can do it by email now. A quick search of their "intranet" should show it up.
Ok the intranet link has a nasty perl http:403 for 'foreign IP', so no game there, but I spoke to room bookings and they can give us: ARTS 208, which they say has network access and can hold 18-24 people. It's in the main arts building, second floor, teaching wing. Would that do? If everyone thinks that's ok I'll go ahead and sign the room out tomorrow. I asked to have June 9th from 12:00 to 5:00 pm, but can change that.
Our reference: 11563
david casal --0+ --- d.casal@uea.ac.uk --9+ --- www.ariada.uea.ac.uk/~dcasal --)+