On Sun, 2005-03-20 at 22:02 +0000, Martijn Koster wrote:
I've posted the who's-who photos from today's ALUG kit meet on http://www.greenhills.co.uk/mak/ALUG-Kit-Meet-20050320/ALUG-Kit-Meet-2005032...
I've got a few pics as well which I'll sort out tomorrow night.
It was good fun to see everyone, especially new faces, and to see what people are up to. From simple Linux installs (ehr Brett?), to mChicago's collection of mini-itx bits, and Peter's impressive (if noisy!) Elliot 803 emulator.
I guess you just don't appreciate the beauty in the "noises" that the emulator makes ;-)
There were a few people interested in developing for gnome with with glade/libglade/gtk+. Maybe next time I'll do a mini-presentation on getting started with these tools.
A big thank-you to Elisabeth for organising the room, and to everyone for bringing food&drink...
Indeed... It was an excellent afternoon, nice venue, good supplies of munchies and interesting stuff going on.