On 10/10/13 09:18, Mark Rogers wrote:
I did successfully DBAN the drives (zero-fill only) and all drives report Reallocated_Sector_Ct=0 (if I'm reading the SMART output correctly). I am now in the process of recreating the RAID5 array (~10 hours to go). Thanks for all the help Mark
Reassuring that DBAN could write to all the disk, but wierd that disk tests wouldn't run.
I'm not an expert on Smartctl output. I've have literally just read up about it here. I MAY HAVE MISSED SOMETHING!
http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/man/smartctl.8.html Skip down to -A, --attributes.
Value column is the current value - lower (closer to zero) is worse. Worst column is the worst it's ever been - lower is worse. Thresh is the point at which the attribute is seen to be failing or failed. Pre-fail means if this attribute is too low, then this is a sign that the disk is failing. Updated means when is this test value updated. When Failed means when did this disk fail, e.g. now, previously, or "-" for OK. Yours are all OK. Ignore the Raw Value column- it's manufacturer dependant and may be misleading
Reallocated Sector Count is: 5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 200 200 140 Pre-fail Always - 0
Value and Worst are 200 which is above the threshold of 140, so these are OK. Raw Value of 0 may mean anything, but could be no sectors reallocated. "-" says it's OK.
I can't see anything wrong with these, DBAN worked, and yet raid5 won't. I'm confused.
Let us know how the RAIDing goes!
Good luck Steve
PS - IMHO, disks have always been complicated. e.g. Master/Slave/CS jumpers. Size, speed, format jumpers. PATA/IDE/ATA (various versions)/SCSI (various versions)/SATA (various versions)/USB disk.
DOS Device drivers to overcome BIOS limitations. Windows Device drivers to overcome BIOS/DOS/Windows limitations.
Low and high level formats. Availability or not of manufacturer disk tools. Variying boot sectors and drive formats, and partitions etc etc etc