On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 09:55:40PM +0000, Wayne Stallwood wrote:
some some sort of 'revised' version with strange sized arrow keys and the Page up/Page down Ins/del and home/end all in the wrong place....
Yeah, they did do that, it was a bit annoying when I had one type at home and the different type at work, they also changed the key action which was really annoying.
Couldn't get on with the new one at all. Now I have moved back to a more traditional keyboard shape. In my job I spend lots of my time using other peoples machines so having to adjust from/to the natural keyboard was doing me in.
I still use lots of different keyboards it doesn't bother me to use a different keyboard at all really, the main reason I use the natural keyboard is that it causes me less pain in my hands (althought since I started taking glucosamine and chronditron I can even use totaly useless keyboards and I don't get pain in my hands, although crap mice can cause pain)