Now that I have a working crossover connection between two computers everything is great, the client can see the CDRom and Home directory of the server and install etc works fine. The only difficulty that I seem to have is getting the CDRom to unmount from the server. I boot the server and mount the cd, then mount the nfs directory on the client, transfer required files and unmount the nfs. If I want to change CD then I have to umount it to open the draw, but unmount always replies with 'device is busy'. The man page suggest 'a lazy unmount - "umount -l /mnt/cdrom" gets round this, but it still doesn't allow me to open the draw. Forcing it causes complaints. I had a look at Top to see what is running but cant find the cultprit there - anyone know what is likely to cause this problem and how to fix it?
Also did anyone get the WindowManagers to compile from this months LXF cover CD? I have tried fluxbox and IceWm, but neither got through make - fluxbox with a 'memory exhausted' message and IceWm with a huge list of warnings and errors about the taskbar etc. I was only looking for a lighter manager than XFce.....
On the subject of bootable CD linux's I was impressed with the Knoppix based Freeduc one - it is in French by default but press F2 on boot and you can choose anyone of about 10 languages - including English. Shouldn't give the CS students too much difficulty.
Glen .....from Britains most remote inhabited island......