Having got Open Office to run and the database connection working (which was non-trivial) I'm quite impressed. Setting up forms to enter data into a database is quite clever.
Essentially you end up using the Open Office word processor as the forms designer which means that layout and so on is very easy and powerful.
However I'm left with one question, you can specify actions for data entry fields as in 'Changed', 'Mouse Button Pressed', 'After Updating', etc. but I cant really see how to program these actions.
When you click the '...' box beside an action an 'Assign Macro' window pops up with a whole load of what I assume are pre-defined actions which are called 'OpenOffice.org BASIC Macros' and there's also 'Untitled1 BASIC Macros' but I cant see how to actually use them. Firstly what do all the pre-defined macros do? Secondly how can I write something to do something useful to put in the Untitled1 position?
Any ideas anyone?
If I can get to understand this the OpenOffice database access looks very powerful indeed.