David Reynolds david@reynoldsfamily.org.uk wrote:
I tend to find Google gives better answers to technical type questions than other search engines. What search engine do you use to look for this sort of thing Chris?
While I've noticed improvements in some of their services, I find Google's main web search engine still sucks in many ways. It's got a big database, but it's chaotic. Particularly relevant for this case, there's a lot of churn in the results and it seems to behave differently depending where you are searching from, so what David sees as the top few results may not be what Chris sees as the top results.
I'm currently using dmoz.org and clusty.com as my main two search engines - Clusty is particularly useful for ambiguous terms because it tries to classify results and let you use that to narrow them down. It still likes Wikipedia too much for my tastes, though - if I want to search for a possible wikipedia topic, I use factbites.com.
Gigablast.com has fallen down my preferences since its too-wide two-column redesign - that didn't work for Ask, so why did they think it would work for them? Stupid, stupid. I'm still waiting to see whether human-powered search makes a comeback.
What searches are others using, or are most people using the hammer, thinking all web searches look enough like nails?
Could there be potential in a LUG-archives search engine?