I've got a WiFI router ADSL thingy on one side of the house (by the phone socket).
At certain times of the day I have trouble getting connected from the far side of the house.
I can usually see 6-10 other SSIDs, so was guessing this was someone nearby having their device
on and colliding, but only sometimes.
So I left this running on a RasPi:
while true; do ( date "+%Y%m%d%H%M" ; iwlist wlan0 scan | egrep "Channel:" ) > $(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").log ; sleep 300 ; done
Well, now I've got some data:
for ((i=1;i<14;i++)); do printf "Channel:%02d = " $i ; ( grep "Channel:$i" *.log | wc -l ) ; done
And the results:
Channel:01 = 1504 Channel:02 = 26 Channel:03 = 0 Channel:04 = 0 Channel:05 = 0 Channel:06 = 741 Channel:07 = 0 Channel:08 = 0 Channel:09 = 0 Channel:10 = 0 Channel:11 = 223 Channel:12 = 0 Channel:13 = 0
I know channels 1,6&11 are the non-overlapping ones, but isn't this a bit...skewed???!?
(Now off auto-selected Channel 1, thanks Netgear, and manually set to Channel 9).