On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 01:26:31PM +0000, MJ Ray typed:
Steve Mynott steve.mynott@gmail.com a écrit
I can turn it into a human-readable form by "dconf dump /" it seems.
Second Question: How can I regenerate the binary file "~/.config/dconf/user" from a copy of this dump?
I think it can be done with: dconf load / < dumpfile.ini
Yeah that's what I was after!
I ended up being more specific and just using
$ dconf dump /org/gnome/ (trailing slash needed!)
to dump out gnome settings only
There was still cruft there since it stores things like the last notifications! It really puts the kitchen sink in there!
Also it's possible to reset with "dconf reset -f /".
You can also use "dconf-editor" but I prefered to use things like vim and vimdiff on the exported text files.
But I don't think it's normal to corrupt the settings and I don't think gnome settings are used by any of the servers I back up properly for restoration without human intervention, so I have never had to test it in reality!
I think the corruption does occur sometimes since I saw quite a few complaints in search results dating back years. It's annoying the UI doesn't report the corruption error and it's only visible via greyed out options.
The fact a single file is written to constantly probably increases the risk of corruption. I wonder if it was triggered by my system constantly changing graphics mode (for wine emulation).
I don't run gnome or any desktop on servers.
-- Steve Mynott steve.mynott@gmail.com cv25519/ECF8B611205B447E091246AF959E3D6197190DD5