On 03-Jul-01 John Seago wrote:
I have installed Red hat 7.1, when I made the install I had, (and still have a two button mouse), which the install regarded as emulating a three button mouse. If I buy a three button mouse and plug it in will the system recognise as a three button mouse or have I got to do something arcane to get it to work?
My two button mouse make s three commands, (left=L right =R L&R =M), L-1 LL-2 R-3 How many does a three button make? It appears to me that it should makethe following: L-1 LL-2 M-3 R-4 (this much would appear to follow the two button, but does the following apply?) L+M-5 R+M-6 R+L-7 L+M+R-8 and probably other combinations which you can work out for yourself. There used to be in the 1970's, in the magazines which came with the Observer and the Sunday Times, adverts for electric speedwriters which, by using five buttons, one for each digit , used in combinations which it was stated were easy to learn, enabled one to type at hitherto unobtainable speeds. couldthe same principal be applied to the commands that could be made with a three button Mouse?
I see know reason why not although these so called speed devices are not so easy or fast to use, I used to have a coleage who used one to type and he siad they where a bit slower thean conventional typing and very expencive but he was a programmer so needed to keep money coming in after a car crash that had removed his ability to type with 2 hands