Wayne Stallwood, Tuesday, October 22, 2002 1:23 AM
Yes but is it a trading standards issue, I'm not sure.
It's not as if the goods weren't as advertised, and they did offer to honour the escape clause in the license agreement (just only by returning the whole package)
They could probably argue that as the OS was pre-installed on delivery they had no way of verifying that I had actually removed it. or something like that.
On Sunday 20 October 2002 13:52, Raphael Mankin wrote:
On 17-Oct-2002 Wayne Stallwood wrote:
You should take that sort of thing up with you local Trading Standards Office. they wield a very big stick.
I think the best way to tackle this is to find an alternative source of supply for the hardware (and let's face it there's enough out there) and then make sure that you let people like Dell, Compaq (or should that be HP now?), Toshiba, IBM, etc know that you haven't bought their product becasue of the MS overhead (either directly if it's a big enough order or indirectly via mailing lists, etc.). Of course there are also issues of after sales support and warranties, etc. but, hardened old cynic that I am :o), I've never found these to amount to much in practice anyway.
Keith ____________ Whatever thou sayest of God is untrue. - Meister Eckhart