Hi Folks,
It looks as though UKFSN had disappeared from the world:
dig -a smtp.ukfsn.org -> No Answer dig -a www.ukfsn.org -> No Answer dig -mx ukfsn.org -> No Answer traceroute www.ukfsn.org -> unknown host www.ukfsn.org
This first came to my attention last night when I was no longer able to route outgoing email via smtp.ukfsn.org, getting error messages like
recep_kantarci_1978@yahoo.com.tr,ai-geostats@unil.ch... Host unknown (Name server: smtp.ukfsn.org: no data known)
from the destination.
Does anyone have any news of what's happening?
I can connect to the web using UKFSN's dialup number, so something's working there!
Thanks, and best wishes to all Ted.