Jenny Hopkins asked:
I have an OO calc spreadsheet with a bunch of columns. The columns are summed in a final row using the SUM function button ("=SUM(A1:A10)" e.g.).
I open a second spreadsheet and wish to reference these cells from the new sheet.
First method tried: hit the equals button and click on the appropriate cell in the first sheet for each column. Result: some of the results show the correct value for the referenced cell, most do not.
Second method: name the final row from first file as a named range. In 2nd file, use the insert and link external data button, selecting the appropriate sheet and range from the proferred choice. Result: all values show 0 where referring to a cell that was a SUM of other cells.
These both worked for me with simple test spreadsheets in OOo 2.3.1 on gobolinux which is probably old but it's what I had to hand. I suspect it's some bug in a particular version or something triggered by the spreadsheets.
Hope that helps,